Resources for Moms
API Speaks
Catholic Gadget: A Catholic Family Toolbar
Catholic Mom
Catholic Nursing Moms League
Couple to Couple League/Natural Family Planning
Elizabeth Pantley
The Bradley Method of Natural Childbirth
Extraordinary Moms Network
Faith and Family LIVE
Family Honor
Food Court (where I post my favorite recipes)
Kellymom: Breastfeeding & Parenting
Kind Conversation
Kitchen Stewardship
Natural Parents Network
The Natural Child Project
New Parent
Natural Family Planning International
Simple Kids
Simple Mom
Canticle magazine
The Catholic Company
Catholic Exchange
Catholic Everything
Catholic Free Shipping
Faith & Family magazine
Inside Catholic
National Catholic Register
National Review
Opposing Views
SQPN (Catholic New Media production company)
Educational/Homeschooling Resources
Bible Freebies
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Catholic Homeschool Support
Faith Formation
Holy Heroes
Little Saints Catholic Preschool Program
Mater Amabilis, a PreK-8 Charlotte Mason Style Curriculum for Catholics
mater et magistra, a magazine for Catholic homeschoolers
Real Learning Forum
Simply Charlotte Mason
Simple Homeschool
Science at Home
For Kids
Free Coloring Pages
Grace Place
Jackson Pollock Art Fun (No mess!)
Waltzing Matilda’s Free Catholic Coloring Pages
For Writers
Catholic Writers’ Guild
Dialogue, a writing blog
Funds for Writers
Peace Garden Writer
The 10 Minute Writer
Writers Weekly
For Your Inner Muse
Dappled Things
Glimmer Train
Vulgata Magazine
I Get By with a Little Help from My Blogs
Okay, I’ve had to put some restrictions on my blogging diet (everything in moderation, right?), but I still try to catch up on blog reading at least once a week. Here’s just a sampling of some of the blogs in my Google Reader:
Adventures in Babywearing
The Anchoress
Betty Beguiles
Betty Duffy
Building Cathedrals
Castle in the Sea
Catholic Mommy Brain
Creative Minority Report
Conversion Diary
Danielle Bean
Elizabeth Esther
Elizabeth Foss
Embracing Motherhood
Enjoying the Small Things
From the Field of Blue Children
Free Range Kids
Hobo Mama
Holy Experience
In God’s Image
I Take Joy
Just Another Day of Catholic Pondering
Katrina Kenison: The Gift of an Ordinary Day
Maman A Droit
Minnesota Mom
Mommy Monsters, Inc.
Motherwear Breastfeeding Blog
Mrs. MD
Pushed Birth
Rosetta Stone
6 Year Med
Simple Kids
Small Treasures
Sorta Crunchy
Waltzing Matilda
The Wine-Dark Sea
Addiction Help
My older brother suffered from addiction. His sickness not only caused him pain, but it tugged at the fabric of my family life and made my childhood difficult at times. Today, thanks be to God, he is sober and is in the process of discerning the priesthood. Please pray for him and all those who are healed or who are still under the grip of addiction.
All Treatment
No Longer Bound (this is where my brother finally found hope and healing)
Help for Eating Disorders and Body Image Problems
Worthy Causes
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Elves for Catie
Food for the Poor
Holy Family Hospital of Bethlehem Foundation
Hodge Podge
Americans for Fair Taxation
Atlanta Sports Cards (nepotism at work – my little bro’s business)
Catholic Folk Toys (I adore these hand-painted saint dolls. So do my girls. They make great gifts to celebrate feast days, Sacraments, etc.)
The Budget Babe, Fab without a Fortune (Because I like clothes and shoes, but I’m also cheap.)
Hey Kate, thanks for mentioning Peace Garden Writer. Really appreciate it. And by the way, looking forward to hearing about how the book is coming. Yes, my blog reading diet has been trimmed up too. I wish I could be more places at once but having to keep it to a manageable level. Always enjoy when I can read your posts though. Thinking of you…
Nice list, very useful, thanks.