While eating breakfast this morning, Madeline was eyeing my coffee. “Coffee not good for me?” she asked.
“It has something called caffeine in it that little kids really shouldn’t have,” I said.
(Yeah, I’m a nursing mom and I drink the real stuff, but rest assured, my lactation consultant/mother-in-law ensures me a little caffeine is just fine. Actually, she’s frequently the one handing me – the tired mommy – a cup of joe. So I suppose my statement wasn’t entirely truthful considering my 6-month-old may get a teeny-tiny bit of caffeine during snack time.)
“‘Member when Nana gave me coffee? In a cup? With milk?”
Nana is the same aforementioned lactation consultant who reported (confessed?) that she recently gave Madeline a cup filled with mostly milk and a drop or two of coffee.
“I remember,” I said. “Grandparents sometimes do things for you as a special treat.”
“But not mommies.” This was not a question. Ouch.
“That’s not true,” I said (defended?). “Mommies do special things for their kids, too.”
Madeline did not look convinced. In fact, from the look her face the score was clear:
Grandparents – 1
Mommies – 0
adam brown says
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