I share what I love over here at In God’s Image, a new blog started by Cathy Adamkiewicz that explores the intersection between faith and fitness. I am honored and thrilled to be a new contributor to the blog and can’t wait to share my thoughts on body image and just staying healthy in general. As I write on my inagural post, the blog isn’t just for eating disorder patients – it’s for anyone who has at one time or another struggled with their appearance, wondered if they’d be happier if they could just lose that last five pounds, or sworn off carbs for three months in an attempt to squeeze in to that old pair of “skinny” jeans.
It’s also for people who are blessed to have a perfectly healthy body image but who may have a loved one – a spouse, a child, a friend – who is struggling. Something I discovered in my own journey is that having a loved one with an eating disorder is very difficult. People get frustrated and can’t figure out why a person just won’t eat or why he or she doesn’t recognize their inner and outer beauty. But it’s not about beauty or even thinness. It runs much, much deeper.
Finally, it’s for anyone who is trying to be healthy and to respect these beautiful bodies God has loaned to us.
Now go show your body some love and share what you love about yourself.
thanks, kate, for pointing me in this direction. there’s an image on my blog that i think fits perfectly with this post and sums up my current personal struggle.