WANTED: Guardian Angel who not only bears divine messages and keeps watch over his/her earthling but also offers nighttime cuddles and occasionally assists with nocturnal trips to the potty.
The other night I was tucking Madeline in for bed and and was faced with yet another round of tears. “Please don’t leave me yet. Mommy, I need you to rub me.” [Translation: Give me a back rub, which I’d already been doing for five minutes].
“I already rubbed you.”
“I need the ‘kissing hand.'”
So I kissed her two small hands, and she “placed” my kisses in her heart by holding her hands to her chest.
“Good night,” I said.
“Mommy, give Raja the ‘kissing hand.'”
I kissed her stuffed tiger’s paws.
“And my elephant.”
I kissed her floppy elephant’s feet.
“Good night,” I said again.
“Mommy, you forgot to sing to me.”
Which was true, so I sang a little song I made up for bedtime:
Close your eyes, little one.
Go to sleep – the day is done.
“Mommy, I need more animals.”
So, foolish softy that I am, I tossed a few more stuffed animals in her bed and before too long she was surrounded by a herd of furry friends.
“It’s time to say good night now,” I said. “Don’t worry. We’ll be right down the hall doing boring adult work, and your guardian angel will be here to watch over you,” I said.
“Where is my guardian angel?” she asked.
“Well, you can’t see her, but she’s here watching over you.”
“I want you, Mommy. My guardian angel doesn’t cuddle with me.”
Image Credit: Two Hearts Designs
You got off easy… I used to make my mom kiss my stuffed pig Pricilla!
Welcome back, Angel Mama!