I don’t blog about politics much. It’s not because I don’t care. It’s the other way around: I care too much. And if I start writing about issues I care about, I have the tendency to come off as a wee bit opinionated. But I can’t help myself right now. I’m that fired up about John McCain’s pick for VP. Sarah Palin is a reformer. She stood up to her own party and denounced corruption. She’s an accomplished politician. She’s also a nursing mom of five.
You go, girl!
So, I’m wondering, will the feminists now, the same ones who were rallying behind Hillary Clinton as the poster child for the advancement of women, show their support for Palin? Politics aside, shouldn’t feminists be celebrating the fact that a woman is now in the running for Vice President of the United States?
Early feminism sought to encourage the rise of women through the support of their traditional roles as mothers and guardians of virtue. The feminists of long ago would, no doubt, extol Palin. But the problem with Sarah Palin for some of today’s radical feminists, besides the fact that she’s a pro-life conservative, is ironically that she’s just too female.
While they’d never admit it, many modern feminists have serious Y chromosome envy. The same women who warn us about never allowing a man to turn us into Barbie are furtively turning us into Ken. The same women who praise motherhood are perpetually trying to “liberate” us from domestic drudgery, reminding us that it’s important to have an identity outside of being mom, and supporting candidates who refer to babies as punishments for mistakes.
So often feminists appear to be out to save womankind when we don’t need to be saved or fixed or changed. Instead of concentrating their time and efforts on something that would really help the plight of women – say, spreading awareness about true injustices against women such as sexual slavery, domestic violence, bride burning in South Asia, abortion, and female infanticide, or simply pouring money into job fairs for women – modern feminists create a crisis when there isn’t one and, as was recently the case in my home state, make it their mission to change “Men at Work” roadway warnings to gender-neutral signs.
When our feelings are hurt by gender biased signs, when we say that being just a mom isn’t enough, when we say women must be fiercer in the workplace and be physically and emotionally stronger like their male counterparts and leave their empathetic tears at home, what we’re really saying is men and the male role in society is superior to our own and we must do everything in our power to become more like them.
In contrast, the Catholic Church encourages women to be who they are – people who possess a special sensitivity and a sublime respect for the dignity of the human person – male, female, young or old, weak or strong. A woman’s liberation must truly be freeing her from things that are holding her hostage – not, for example, her sensitivity or an unplanned pregnancy. We should never want to release a woman from her supernatural calling and all that is good and sanctifying and makes her a woman. Man and woman share in God’s image and likeness. We are equal in dignity, but we are not the same. It’s when we start striving for sameness that we start to fall apart.
To me, this is the big difference between Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin. Clinton is striving for sameness and has devoted her life to shedding herself of her feminine sensitivity and vulnerability. Palin, on the other hand, seems to embrace them.
The bottom line is, if you’re pro-women, then how can you not be pro-Palin? From what I’ve gleaned from her acceptance speech and her track record, she’s a feisty but feminine woman, wife to her high school sweetheart, and a mother who calls her children blessings on national TV. She’s also a mom turned politician who just might make history.
I like her, but I’d like her more if she wasn’t on a Republican ticket :P
Sadly, the feminists and liberals are floating the rumor that Sarah Palin’s daughter, Bristol, is the actual mother of baby Trig and Sarah faked her pregnancy to cover for her daughter’s unwed teen pregnancy.
I only wish I were joking about that – it’s been picked up all over the blogosphere.
If all feminists were more like Palin and less like Clinton, then I suspect men would be more open to their concerns and opinions.
I applaud your statement. I spent my childhood being brainwashed into believing I was nothing if I didn’t become a strong woman who didn’t need the support of a man. I became a career focused police officer, doing all I could to become “one of the guys”. I was never going to have children and focus my time and energy on my work. Then my son was born. I began to struggle with the pain of leaving him to work and the guilt of not being completely devoted to my career. My daughter was born and I became even less interested in my work. I am now a stay-at-home mom. I am grateful to my husband, who has never once made me feel I am less than him because I don’t work outside the home. I am amazed when “career” women look surprised when they ask what “I do”. As if I should be ashamed for not feeding into the idea I am less of a woman because I don’t work. At what point do we realize we are sacrificing our children for big houses (filled with lots of useless junk), expensive cars and big vacations? I’ll take the simple life and the knowledge I have done the best for my children. They are better for it. I agree with Obama, it’s time for change, but he’s not it. I AM TEAM SARAH!
OMG!!! If many of you are women, then I am deeply ashamed of the lack of knowledge you have. Come on. First of all, feminism, to its core gives women the right to choose what is best for herself, coupled with the ability to be in the position to make that choice. The police officer lady, you had the choice to stay home with your child. If that is what you wanted to do, you should have done it. Feminist would support that. What they don’t support are men telling you that you have to stay at home. I went to business school, but became a teacher because I wanted a job that was flexible enough so that I can be with my children longer.
If “most feminists were like Palin”, THEY WOULDN’T BE FEMINIST. Palin is Pro Life, thus taking away the right for women to choose. Now, I am Catholic, I went to Catholic school, nuns and all. I would, never, under any circumstance have an abortion. I do believe that late term abortioons should be illegal (just because life to me is when a fetus can survive without the mother). But, if at two weeks, you realize that you can’t care for the child then you should be able to choose what to do, and you as your own woman, will have to live with the consequences of that choice. Pro Choice means that everyone may have their own opinion.
I also heard that in Alaska, men are actually allowed to touch strippers. Now, my husband will never set foot in one of those establishments. I think they are nasty but also degrading, but to sit by and not make any law to protect the women that work there, IS SHE SERIOUS.
Then, to have men, call one of your collegues a “bitch” on the radio, and you laugh at it. She should get the support of women? She clear does not care about our reputation. She has not done anything her office to show support for the CHOICES that women have to make.
Further more, if her daughter dd have the baby,covering up for her s just one more bad choice. That is probably why she got pregnant in the first place. She doesn’t have to deal with the consequences of her actions. Dems will tear her up. It is ke she is embarrased by her own child.
Oh, please don’t be ashamed for me or anyone else. It only strengthens the point feminists are not supportive of ALL women, only those who share their opinions. I was NOT supported by feminists, in fact, I was vilified by women I knew (feminists) for wanting to be a stay at home mom. Here we go again with the “I’m so much smarter than you attitude”. It’s childish and arrogant. Your idealism only amplifies your lack of exposure to the real world. Before you start telling people they could have quit their jobs, maybe you should be more aware of their financial responsibilities and need for dual health care. Kudos to you for becoming a teacher, but let’s be realistic, not every woman can be a teacher. My aunt is in her late 50’s, working and living alone, hating every minute of it. She wanted to be a stay at home wife (with no children), but was ridiculed and shamed into feeling she had no choice but to go to work by the feminists of her time. Since you are so well versed in feminism, I’m sure you’ll remember what feminist Maureen Dowd was quoted as saying about Gloria Steinem, “Even Gloria Steinem admits that early feminists were too militaristic, and tried to cut out too much of what makes women womanly”. Unfortunately that had lasting repercussions.
There is a distinct difference between equality and mutual respect and it’s apparent you cannot see the difference. Men and women are not equal. We have strengths and weaknesses that define us as separate. It does not make us less, it allows us to use our strengths for specific purposes and while there is no doubt there are men who see us as the weaker sex, it should be about gaining each other’s respect and not alienating those who do not want to become men.
Oh and one more thing. Why do you believe a woman CAN make a decision to have or not have an abortion, but CAN’T make a decision not to become a stripper if she knows a man can touch her? A fetus doesn’t need protection, but an adult female does? That’s interesting logic.
Thanks for your response. I agree with your comment about first wave feminism. You are correct. They did in fact want to erase the ever so clear lines betwen men and women. Touche on the stripper comment also, but, if that is a chosen car, thenshe should be doig everything in her power to make it safer. Wouldn’t you agree?
I guess it is hard for me to understand you feeling ashamed about how feminist questioned you staying home. I am a black women and we have always worked. We get looked at cross eyed when we stay at home. I commend you for putting your children first and for CHOOISING what was best for you.
I AM BY NO MEANS A FEMINIST. I don’t like being labeled by anyone.
Besides, feminism has always been an elite white female concept. Some black women may call themselves feminist, but we never had to fight for entry into the workplace, we were forced into it.
As a women, I am happy that you have a husband that supports your choices. I am a teacher and trust when I say, I have seen some families in which omen have no say.
Now, back to the issue at hand. McCain made his decision about Palin because she had breast. I wouldn’t have been so irritated had he picked Snow or someone else. But Palin? I love Obama. I am not a Hillary fan, but it is so clear that McCain thinks that he can get Hillary supporters just because he choose a woman. Like you said, we all have different opinions. He clearly did not do his homework to learn about the opinions of Hillary supporters. It seems like in his mind, we are dumb enough to fall for his antics because we are women. The only thing he sees are breast and he thinks that is what America will see.
I believe that extremes should exist, so that us normal people can pick and choose what we like. Extremist have always been the ones to introduce the world with new concepts
I actually support unborn women’s rights. Studies have shown that once the sex has been determined more female babies are aborted than male.
Even if I disagreed with Sarah Palin about the Right to Choose its just one issue and doesn’t stop me from supporting her or stop me from being appalled about the negatvie media campaign Obama launched against her. Yes, I know he publicly denounced attacking her family, but he knew he didn’t have to because his pets would do it for him while he pretended to take the high ground.
The stories that are coming out belong in the National Enquirer not on media outlets I once respected. What does her daughter being pregnant have anything to do with her qualifications to be Vice President? Does the fact that her husband got a DUI when he was 22 (24 years ago) have any relevance?
Its obvious to me how sexist Obama is, which is why Hillary was never seriously considered. Now his pet media attack dogs are after another woman who shows some leadership potential.
Abortion is not the only issue. Let me begin:
It is not the fact that the girl is preganat. But her experience does not support her platform of abstinance only education. If it did not work in your own household, then why would you keep pressing it. I would hope that she would learn that you have to teach both abstinance and safe sex together.
One of McCain’s platform is getting rid of earmarks, but Alaska live off of earmarks (do the research). How does a governor accept 238 million dollars for a brige, that she does not intend on building, then keep the money.
How can you actully look in the camera and say that you really don’t know what the VP does?
How in the world can you actually say that humans have no part in global warming.
Creationism should not be taught in school because in infringes on the rights of other people’s religions. Creationism is very unique to Evangellical Christians and has no place in a public setting. The constitution clearly states this. That is what Sunday school and private school is for. (I am a public school teacher.)
How as a woman, do you not support equal pay for equal work?
Now mind you, if you are Republican, I don’t knock you becasue their are fundamental differences into our belief systems, however, Republicans with Palin background should and will be SLAMMED. McCain is much stronger without her.
Oh yea, HOW ONE THINKS THAT COMMUNITY ORGANIZERS HAVE NO RESPONSIBILITIES, ARE ON CRACK. By the way, isn’t your job as an elected official to be a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER. She really doesn’t know what the heck she is doing. Her breast will not be act has airbags to the blows that she is about to receive. I am so gald that she opened her mouth. Hillary is about to silence her. She needs to go care for her baby.
wonderful post! I really enjoyed reading it and I agree wholeheartedly. Thank you for not letting touchy issues stop you from blogging on things that matter to you. They matter to many others too and it’s nice to hear positive instead of all the negative comments.
BTW the above comment was in response to Kate’s blog, not the angry comments.
So, since you all seemingly are up to date on the issues, I assume that you have seen the Couric Palin interview.
Do you still “stand by your (wo)man”.
Anon, I do keep up on current events, and I find it interesting how the liberal media is ready to burn Pailin at the stake. Yet, I’ve heard very little about how Obama is promising to eliminate capital gains taxes for small businesses. Sounds like a good thing, right? The only problem is small businesses don’t pay capital gains taxes, but the media won’t be reporting that Obama’s out of his league because Obama is their man. They’re banking on the ignorant public to not know about the current tax system.
I admit some of Palin’s interviews have been shaky, but I see blunders in all of politicians’ regurgitated talking points. And the whole Bush Doctrine question really irks me. A talking head coined that phrase, and it’s come to mean several different things.
All this aside, I vote with my conscience. I don’t see Obama as an agent of change. I see him as a talented orator who’s also a socialist. But these ideologies aren’t what really gets to me. I cannot, in fair conscience, vote for a man who thinks babies are punishments and disposable and would not even vote to protect children who survived botched abortions. I also can’t understand why so many American women think abortion is about freedom for women when I know from women who’ve had an abortion that it oppresses women and leaves them with emotional and sometimes physical scars.
I vote for people who feel it’s our duty to protect individual liberties AND life. This is where I draw the line – not on the basis of “performance” during interviews with Katie Couric.
Now I’m closing the comments on this one.
God bless.