Because I’m completely brain dead, suffering from a bad case of writer’s block, and most of all, because I think it’s important for moms to celebrate their (and/or their kids’) small triumphs, I’m sharing some of my brighter mom moments this week.
1. I took a one-hour nap on Wednesday. A real nap where I actually fell asleep. I was comatose.
2. I managed to (mostly) remove a stain the imprint of a green fabric marker from our beige dining room carpet when a craft project turned ugly. (Yes, we have carpet in our dining room and young children. What were we thinking when we chose this townhouse over the one next door with the hardwood floors, thinking we’d save our babes from multiple head bruises? Next time we’ll take our chances with kids falling. Heartless, I know, but you haven’t seen our carpet. It looks like Walt Disney threw up all over it.)
The unfortunate incident with the fabric marker also reminded me of the power of positive thinking when my eternal optimist and I exchanged the following words:
Me, noticing the faint green smudge that remained after an intense stain removal operation: Oh well. It’s only carpet.
Pollyanna: Yeah and anyway there are already stains everywhere else on the carpet.
3. I constructed two Lincoln Log buildings. Sudoku, brain teaser, and chess enthusiasts, eat your hearts out. I challenge any of you to a battle of intellect to see if you can erect an entire Lincoln Log dude ranch (using the directions below; I ‘ll do it blindfolded to be fair) in less time than I can. I am Mommy. Watch me build. (I actually had to ask for my 4-year-old for a little help at one point because I couldn’t find a piece I needed, but that’s neither here nor there.)
To see other moms’ small successes, visit Faith & Family Live. And I’d love to hear about your own small successes you’re celebrating this week.
I balanced a month in the checkbook (I’m still 3 months behind, but closer now!), I let my children start their schoolwork an hour later one morning this week because they were all upstairs playing so nicely with each other, and I spent one entire day in my pajamas and didn’t leave the house once!!
Way to go, Kate! I’ll share one: I managed to clean windows today since it was a balmy 58 degrees outside. That’s all I got done. Then we played. ;)
(…the balmy 58 degrees comment is a joke because we live in Nebraska where it’s usually 30 degrees this time of year)