In honor of Valentine’s Day, I’m counting the ways I love my husband (there are a lot more than seven, but this is a good start).
He tells me I look great when I’m all dolled up for a date night and when I have Play-doh in my hair, a Clifford sticker on my butt, and circles under my eyes. Best of all, I’m almost 100 percent sure he really means it.
He doesn’t complain when he returns home after a long day of work and has three girls (soon-to-be four) accost him with hugs, kisses, and long-winded accounts of our day together.
Nor does he object when I outsource the job of Tickle Monster to him, so I can zone out while I wash the dishes after dinner.
He proficiently assembles IKEA bookshelves and the 3,245-part Exersaucer and isn’t too prideful or impatient to skip reading user/instruction manuals.
He thinks I’m doing the most important job in the world by staying home with our kids – even if it means he has to work harder – and he lets me know how much he appreciates my work on behalf of our family by doling out regular compliments and giving me mini retreats when he’s home (“Go upstairs and read a book. I’ve got the kids.”).
He’s disproved all the horror stories about marrying a budding doctor – how I’d never see my spouse and when I did, he’d be post-call and irritable. He works hard, reads medical journals and studies (he’s still a resident). He cares deeply about being an excellent doctor. But he never loses sight of what’s really important – our relationship and our growing family. Even after enduring sleepless nights being on call or the fact that coming face to face with mortality is just a part of his job description, he returns home in a good mood, makes me laugh, and recognizes that I sometimes need some “post-call” time to recuperate, too.
Like an answered prayer, my husband is the one who walks into our home at the exact moment when I’m on the verge of losing it, someone who puts his hand on the small of my back, plants a quick kiss on my lips or meets my eyes and flashes me a quick smile when one of our kids is in the throes of a tantrum that says what words don’t need to – that this too shall pass – and we’ll still be together when it does.
Happy Valentine’s Day! Share why you love your spouse, and don’t forget to head over to Jen’s Conversion Diary for more quick takes.
How refreshing to hear your reasons for loving your husband. Because of both your appreciation for him and his for you and your family. We need to separate from the busyness and exhausting tasks long enough to convey our gratefulness.
Great job as a family!
what a great quick takes idea!
Thanks for your comments on my blog, Kate! It was great to hear from you.
And I hear you about needing to zone out with the dishes for a few minutes at the end of your day. I try to sneak that in while my husband is chasing both girls through the house, or hiding under pillows on the bed.
He may never understand why I love cleaning up while they play!
Thanks for your comment! I loved it and wonder the same thing…how can people who are otherwise pretty intelligent not see the obvious…a baby!
Loved the takes about your husband and look forward to have another Catholic blog on my reader. Great title, by the way!
God bless you and your family!
God has certainly blessed you with a wonderful hubby!
So sweet!
Sounds like you landed yourself quite a man there, mama! It always blesses me, too, when my husband joyfully plays with the girls at the end of a long work day. I know he would probably rather veg out, but he always indulges their need for Daddy!!!!!
What a lovely tribute this Valentine’s weekend. Hope y’all get to do a little extra smooching. :)
It’s Valentine’s morning an although we agreed not to exchange any gifts or anything (cards only), I am currently sitting in my silent house, as my wonderful hubby has taken all my boys on a “Dad outing” to give me a quite morning at home. What a guy!!! Now that’s a Valentine’s gift!
Obviously the some of the best husbands do the crazy play time after dinner ritual. I know mine does, and I love him for it.
Wow — you definitely picked a good one, Kate! Good for you.
I have a great one, myself… husband, that is!
He cooks for me…yummy, labor-intensive meals he knows I will like. He buys dark chocolate for me for no special reason. He fills my heart to overflowing every day with how much he loves our three silly girls. He is tender-hearted, sentimental, and he’s the one who had the brilliant idea to take the girls’ baby sleepers and make a quilt out of them so he and I can snuggle under it and “remember when…”!
I could go on and on…
I thank God for him. Every day.