1. I actually allowed my preschooler to take a snapshot of me almost 33 weeks pregnant (I unfortunately have very few photos of me pregnant because I tend to hide from the camera during this time). This may not seem like a success at all, but for someone with my body angst history it’s a big deal. I’ve come a long way, Baby, and so have you. I can’t wait to meet my newest reason to smile.
2. My preschooler told me the other day that I was her best friend even though I make her go to bed when she doesn’t want to, limit her sugar intake, and constantly remind her to be kind and grateful. Then again, maybe these are the very reasons why she considers me a trustworthy friend. I’m someone who aims to guide her gently and to give her boundaries.
3. We’ve managed to keep the sniffles from turning into a full blown nasty, germy concoction. I can live with drippy noses and sneezes. Just no fevers or heaving, please. (Someone knock a big, old chunk of wood right now!)
This is such a helpful exercise because it forces me to assess how I’m doing, to take note of my maternal triumphs, however modest they may be, and to focus on the positive.
Why not share (and celebrate) your own small successes? Join other “successful” moms out there at Faith & Family Live!
Kate…your photo is lovely and I would never have guessed you were 32 weeks. You’re just an itty-bitty thing!
God bless you with a happy, healthy pregnancy and a safe delivery!