From today’s readings: “Take delight in the LORD, and he will grant you your heart’s request.” Psalm 37:4
Don’t obsess if all the blogs you follow suddenly disappear or if vice versa, you lose a bunch of followers. I personally first discovered the glitch at Aussie Coffee Shop. Then I read this thread.
Last night my printer was giving me trouble. Early this morning my email wouldn’t load. I felt my blood pressure rising. I had things I needed to get done before the kids woke up. (They just tiptoed into my room with tousled bedheads and sweet, “Hi, Mommies.”) But you know what? It’s not worth it. There’s something seriously wrong with stressing over technology that’s supposed to make my life easier.
I’m definitely planning on cutting back on the time I spend on the Internet and my computer during Lent. To my credit, I’ve been more vocal in the Blogosphere because I’ve had many a solo evenings lately due to my husband’s work schedule. But over Lent I’m going to “delight in the Lord” and his ability to soften my heart. I’m going to look for his approval, not the approval (read: Blog comments, Sitemeter stats) of others.
And I’m not going to let glitches, dinosaur computers, infuriating error messages, or email backlog get to me when I do happen to turn to technology.
So if I’m slow to responding to emails and disappear in Blogville, you’ll know why. It’s not you; it’s me and something I need to do to practice the discipline of surrender.
Excellent post.
I admit-I have never been brave enough to give up Internet time for Lent. :(
Similar to you, I am online more because my husband is gone some evenings, between working a 2nd job and being in grad school. The boys are in bed by 7:30, so that leaves a lot of time.
I think I’ll try to add in my rosary at that time again.
Thanks for inspiring me!
When it rains, enjoy the rain.