Just a quick pregnancy update. I woke up this morning to my second day of official bed rest.
Last Friday I was pretty much convinced that the baby had dropped. I was up all night stumbling into the bathroom to relieve my bladder and in the morning my whole stomach shape had changed. I asked Dave if he thought I looked any different but since he’d been MIA for the last month in D.C. for work, he told me he just couldn’t tell for sure.
Well, I had a prenatal appointment yesterday morning, and my suspicions were confirmed. Baby has dropped. Cervix is dilating and 80 percent effaced (thinning). I’ll soon be 35 weeks, so we’re very thankful my Type A cervix has decided to control itself for at least this long.
Still, my midwife really wants me to make it through the weekend before real labor begins and give our bun a little more time in the oven, so I’m on bed rest for the week. Given my history of premature dilation, I know that having the baby stay put is entirely possible and am so thankful I’m nearly full-term. Also, as most women who have been blessed to have natural childbirth experiences as I have will tell you, vaginal exams and the “data” they yield in terms of dilation, effacement, and station can only tell you so much. Really, being effaced and dilated just lets you know that things are getting started, but nothing and no one can predict exactly when labor will begin. With baby number 2 I walked around for several weeks dilated, although my cervix didn’t start thinning much at all until about a week before I delivered. We’re just at the “wait and see” stage of my pregnancy.
As I wait (and pray), I’m thankful for this beautiful reminder that from the moment you first see those two purple lines on a positive pregnancy test (or, I imagine, begin the laborious process of adoption), motherhood is a vocation that requires self-sacrifice. While some (like my 4-year-old who has already surpassed her weekly TV allotment in just a day and a half) might welcome bed rest, it’s no fun for me. I not only have trouble letting God in sometimes, but I’m not always good at accepting help or taking it easy. I’m resting right now, trying to type while on my side, and struggling to ignore the war zone…errrr….I mean living room strewn with toys or the fact that my preschooler is zoned out in front of the TV, watching a ridiculously over-sized red dog play with his friends.
Isn’t it ironic that it’s my overanxious cervix that requires the rest of me to slow down and to be still?
Just last week I confided in a friend (who also happens to be my Catholic midwife who gave me these very bed rest orders!) that I have trouble being still. This can lead me to talk too much because I’m afraid of the silence or to push myself too hard so that I end up being grumpy and/or exhausted. Lent is always a time when I really work on this vice of mine and now I have all the more reason to not be so fidgety and to focus on quieting my restless heart, derailing my perfectionism, and being still. Because what my baby needs right now far more than an adrenalized mom – is me to rest quietly and wait. She needs me to relinquish my need for planning and control and to just let her grow a bit more in my womb so that she can enter the world plump and perfect.
So even though I’m already antsy (how do moms-to-be do it who are put on bed rest for months?) and simultaneously stuck between wanting to meet our baby and praying she has time to hibernate inside of me a little longer, I’m thankful for this lesson in humility and patience as well as for the amazing web of friends and family members who are holding me up during this waiting period. Perhaps this is just what I needed to have a more meaningful Lent. In my stillness, may I open myself to God’s will and his graces.
One final note: I already had a few posts scheduled for this week, but I may be out of the Blogosphere loop for awhile but will try to keep everyone posted on our baby and her arrival. Stay tuned…
My thoughts and prayers are with you, Katie :)
Sending “stay ptu, baby girl!” vibes your way!!
What a great Lenten sacrifice for your personality (which is so similar to mine!). I’ll be praying for a safe and healthy delivery of your third blessing :)
I’ll be praying for you friend.
Teach Dave how to post….!! :) And we want pictures as soon as she makes her appearance!!
Praying for you Kate! I know you must be going crazy staying put….I know I would.
Can’t wait to see Sparky, though!
I can’t imagine that it’s much fun to be on bed rest, especially with other small children! I hope that the time passes quickly for you, that you have a healthy and easy delivery, and that Baby 3 treats you well! I’ll say prayers!
Blessings, Kate! I’ll be thinking about you :) I hope that little one will stay put just a bit longer!!
I’ve always wondererd how women with young children are able to manage bed rest orders. Good luck – I’ll be praying that the baby stays put and keeps growing for a while longer.
Not sure if you will be reading this, but I am passing on an award to you – hope you haven’t received this one yet!
Beautiful! A good reminder for us all. You all will be in my prayers! Let me know if there’s anything I can do…from how many miles away? LOL.
Tell that baby to stay right there for a while! That would be difficult to be on bed rest, even more so with little ones. Take advantage of all offers of help. You’ll give others the opportunity to practice some Lenten charity. Good luck, Kate. I hope and pray everything goes well.
Many thanks to all of you for your kind comments, prayers, and support!
I am one blessed lady!!!
I hope all goes well for you this week!! And I must’ve missed the post where you said you were expecting another girl? Congratulations!
I sat at 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced from 28 weeks to 36 weeks with my first. By the time I went to the hospital to be induced at just under 40 weeks I was 3.5 dilated and 100% effaced and still not in labor. With my daughter I had a placenta previa so they couldn’t do cervical checks, but when I had the c-section at 37 weeks after less than an hour of labor I was already 7 cm dilated and 100% effaced. It’s very odd what cervixes can do (or not do). Very unpredictable pieces of our anatomy. I did 3 months of bed rest with both of my kids. I recommend reading, knitting, crocheting, solitaire and someone willing to play many rounds of Scrabble with you. It’s the one time in life when it helps to have a couch potato personality.
Hope things go well for you and the wee one.