Okay, before all you Northerners rain (or snow or sleet) on our parade, I know this light dusting is nothing to blog about for you. But to a bunch of Georgia Peaches, this is cause for great celebration, hot cocoa, and a slew of digital photos.
Perhaps Madeline put it best when she said, “It doesn’t snow much in Georgia, but I think it’s snowing even more than last year. It’s been a fun day.”
And I’ll make the same appeal as I did the last time I posted snow day pics: Don’t you dare dis our puny snowman.
(Correction: Snowgirl who answers to the name of Lucy, according to Madeline.)
It’s snowing! It’s snowing! It’s snowing!
It’s still snowing, and it’s not even melting!
Madeline and Lucy
My Snow Angel
It’s STILL snowing!
Snow? What is this stuff?
So fun!!! I’m glad the girls loved it! It didn’t start snowing here until 6:30 PM, so we’ll have to take pictures this morning :)
Reminds me of the day it snowed here in Louisiana. It was before Christmas and my oldest had fun after realizing he wouldn’t freeze. I may have acted like a kid more than him. However, my youngest didn’t even want to put his feet in the snow. I am glad you and your girls had fun.
How cute! I won’t dis your snowman. We’ve received about 18 inches this winter (so far) and we haven’t even built one yet! In our defense, we have done quite a bit of sledding!