No more bed rest. According to my midwife’s calendar, I am 37 weeks today. I’m supposed to still “take it easy,” but I can resume most of my normal activities, namely being a mother to my children. Thank you for your prayers. We are blessed beyond measure.
Over the past two weeks I’ve had ample time for reflection. I have much to write about and have been jotting down random thoughts in my journal. It’s amazing how children – even babies in utero whom you’ve never met – can impart lessons of great value. I do plan on writing about some of the lessons I learned during this time of waiting. It’s on my to-do list, but for right now what I desire more than anything is to enjoy the freedom I took for granted before I was “sentenced” to bed rest. Even though my children were never far from me, I missed them. I missed hands-on mothering (even the day-to-day care that I too often find myself groaning about) and that is what I want to be doing right now – being nothing more than a mom who can use her arms to scoop up a tired child, a mom who can happily spread PB on bread instead of asking someone else to do it, a mom who embraces that well-worn but rarely exercised expression of living in the moment instead of worrying about when the baby will come or if I should be writing this or writing that or why I didn’t do this or did do that, a mom who can supervise her daughters making a “Welcome Home, Baby Sis!” banner for our newest addition and even add few artistic touches herself, a mom who can do more than pray from the sidelines but can instead make her life of serving others her prayer.
Yea! I’m happy for you, Kate. Glad you’re back on your feet and baby is still safely tucked in! Make sure you take it easy.
God bless you and baby! :)
So thrilled for you. Thanks for reminding me not to take things for granted too.
God Bless you and enjoy those last few weeks/days before the baby comes, and then…..enjoy even more!
I am so happy for you, you must be ready to jump for joy! Enjoy your girls and your time with them before another little one needs your love and attention too!
Wait a minute… did I miss something? I thought you weren’t going to find out the sex? Are you guys sure its a girl?
Hooray! I am so glad that you are up and at em and enjoying your precious girls. Take Care and take it easy little baby is on her way any time now!
Good Job! Enjoy your time with those kiddos!
So glad you can have a couple days of “normal” again, before your little one arrives! I know the girls are glad to have Mommy back in action.
That is great that you have made it this far. I will pray for you and your little one as you prepare to meet face to face.
Congrats! That must be a relief. Will pray that all goes well with the delivery.