…but for different reasons. Now I’m “Hmmmming” because I’m not sure what to think of my wacko body and the way my labors transpire.
Contractions seem to be fading a bit. With my first, labor was very obvious. My midwife (not the same one I have now) and the hospital staff called me “warp speed labor girl” because I started experiencing fairly intense contractions right on top of each other and was told that my daughter’s birth was quite precipitous for a first-time mom. With my second (when I also had to be put on bed rest because of premature dilation), not so much. I gave birth at 37 weeks, and it wasn’t until right before I had to push that I really felt like I was in labor.
As for this baby, I’m totally confused, but that’s okay. My husband and I are both going to curl up with a good book, relax and see what happens.
Just a note: I typically refrain from blogging on Sundays, but I’ll try to give an update if anything big happens (as in real labor and/or the obvious realization that this was another false alarm).
Congratulations, Katie! Welcome to the world baby Mary Elizabeth!! I love her name! :) I hope you have a wonderful Babymoon :)