1. For the past two nights the baby has slept snuggled beside me for two 3 to 4-hour blocks. She’s cluster feeding during the day – about every 1 to 2 hours. I am in absolute shock. My oldest still sometimes wakes up after four hours. Even our toddler who asks to go “night-night” didn’t start sleeping longer stretches until around three months (she also had reflux, which often required me to hold her upright after nocturnal nosh sessions, so sleep was in short supply for a long time).
2. We’ve enjoyed two nature walks this week. I’ve toted the baby in a sling and the girls and I (accompanied by either Nana or Gaba) have soaked up the springtime while walking along a trail in our townhome development. Madeline has drawn pictures of fuzzy caterpillars and a cardinal in her nature notebook, and Rae has toddled along beside her big sister. The fresh air has done all of us wonders.
3. I took a shower and shaved my legs yesterday. Woo-hoo! Go, me!
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I think God gives us those sleepers when you get to the 3rd or 4th baby because He knows thats the only way we’ll survive!! I also think it has a lot to do with how relaxed we are as “experienced” mothers and nursers – that passes right through to our babies. Can’t wait to see you all tomorrow!!
Sweet, sweet success, Kate! I’m so happy that your little angel is a sleeper…I’ve had both sides of it with my nine…thank God for the ones who would sleep! They were outnumbered by the ones who didn’t ;-D
May God bless you and thanks for sharing a peek at your week!
Katie, no one deserves a baby that sleeps more than you do :) I”m giddy with excitement for you!
Oh wow!!! A little sleeper! What a great boost to your day!!! You seem to mother with such grace that I’m not surprised!
Loved hearing about your nature walk. I need to do that more often, and love the idea of drawing….
Kate! I am so happy for you. I can’t wait to meet your new litle one. Happy Easter!
Fantastic! I don’t know, I think the shower and shave are almost as big a deal as the baby sleeping well! LOL!
God Bless you,
Congrats on the beautiful baby! I’m glad you’re getting a little sleep!