1. Mary Elizabeth had her official newborn checkup yesterday, and she’s gained one pound since her discharge weight and 3/4ths of an inch in length. Mama’s milk is like Miracle Grow for babies.
2. We went on a successful bug hunt this week*.
*No caterpillars were harmed in the making of this blog post.
3. I’ve almost caught up on laundry, but not quite. Two more loads today should do it. I am left wondering, though, why laundry seems to increase exponentially with the addition of one peanut-sized child. Any insight that would help unlock this great mystery of life would be appreciated.
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How the heck did you find a caterpillar?! Lovely was given the class bug jar and we (whole family) spent yesterday looking for her desired bug for the jar – a caterpillar. Nothing! I used to see them everywhere as a child! Now, rarely. So, we settled on 3 rolly pollies (how does one spell that). She’s happy, they are still alive this morning, and we’re ready. I hope we at least get lightening bugs this summer. They too seem less in numbers than my childhood.
Yeah on M.E growing!!! Go girl! Gotta love liquid gold and new milk!
Enjoy the laundry…I wish I had an answer, I just appreciate the phenomenon HAHA! It is amazing how one so small adds so much!
Have a GREAT rest of your week!
Okay, you will never guess what I found my daughter and her friend doing! They had buried a catepillar (alive, I hope!) in a grave so they could pray for it. We had a long discussion about how Jaina is not the one to decide when the catepillar’s life needed to end!
I have the same laundry question that you do. It increases exponentially with each child. I also wonder how, no matter how much laundry I do in a day, the hamper is always full again when the day is over. I think it breeds in there behind my back.
Way to grow some babies! Nice job :) And that is one excellent bug!
There must be a laundry monster that sneaks in at night & adds to the piles. I have a two month old & was swamped in piles of laundry for weeks after his birth. It has finally settled down, though I'm not sure if we are creating less laundry or I'm just getting better at managing it. Good luck with your piles!