I’ve been up since 2 amish with more contractions; these ones are more intense and coming closer together. I’ve started my good, old Bradley birthing relaxation techniques, imagining each contraction as something like an ocean wave that slowly rises, crashes, and then fizzes away, leaving my body limp, loose, and detached from the pain. Sounds cheesy, I know, but I’ve found visualization, along with prayer, really helps.
I’m still not sure what’s going on given the “on and off” again nature of this pregnancy and all my pre-labor/early labor sensations. So I’m just trying to be still, trust my body, and let things happen. I hope to “tweet” any significant news (you can view my Twitter updates to the left), but once (and if) my contractions start to mean serious business, I suspect I’ll be MIA for awhile.
Dear Lord, please sanctify my waiting, and grant me your grace, protection, and strength as I prepare for a healthy happy delivery of this child who is Yours forever. Grant this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
wishing you a fast, easy, peaceful labor!
We’re heading off to 5 PM Mass soon. You will be in my prayers! How exciting! I can’t wait to hear the happy news!