To the casual onlooker, I probably don’t look like much of a success right now. I’m wearing the same tee I had on yesterday and while I’ve never had a lengthy grooming process, I’ve taken the term “low maintenance” to new heights.
Actually, I don’t feel all that successful right now either. Our super content baby has turned fussy. She’s peaceful and still if she’s upright and snuggled against me, but she immediately starts crying if I try to put her down beside me so I can squeeze in some shut-eye. Poor thing is refluxing and can’t handle my super soakers (I’ve always made way too much milk for my babies. Since I’m not a horse and can’t figure out how to sleep standing up, I’m catching a lot less than 40 winks. My dearth of sleep has forced me to utter three terrifying words to a Type-Aer like me: I need help. That’s my biggest success for the week – just admitting I can’t do this alone and that needing help isn’t a sign of weakness. It just means I’m human.
Without further ado, three more successes I’m celebrating this week:
1. Speaking of needing help, one of my best friends called me yesterday and asked if she could come over and play with the older girls so I could try to get some sleep. I waffled. I resisted. Then I finally accepted her offer and reminded myself that even superheroes need sidekicks. Although I wasn’t able to nap during the visit because the baby needed her mama, I felt refreshed nonetheless. I also felt incredibly fortunate to have a friend like her in my life. Later my mother-in-law asked if I needed her to swing by after work. I suppose saying yes is getting easier because I jumped at the opportunity to have more helping hands, and this time I was able to snooze for about an hour. Pure bliss.
2. I’m typing this post while nursing a baby. Multitasking at its finest.
3. The girls and I made it to weekly Mass once in the past week, and I went to confession on Saturday. As tired as I am, I know I need to tank up on Christ right now or I’ll really be running on empty.
Share (and celebrate) your own and other moms’ small successes at Faith & Family Live!
Nice job, accepting help from a friend. I can use a little work on that one myself.
Totally agree with you on the loading up on Christ idea!
Totally get the loading up on Christ. Someone once said that I must be holy or something to go to daily mass to which I replied, “No way! I go to Mass because I am SO FAR from holy and I NEED the graces!”
Prayers for good sleep soon!
Hi Kate,
Sounds like you’re doing great! Those days with a baby who won’t sleep are so hard, but they’re also short-lived in the grand scheme of things, which is what I tell myself when I’m going through that.
My youngest slept propped up in a baby swing for several months (I can’t believe I’m admitting that online); I wonder if that would help yours sleep with the reflux?
Oh, good for you, take all the help that is offered, my friend! I’ve spent my share of nights sleeping in a chair with a baby on my chest — blessings on you.
Like Rebecca, I also utilized my baby swing for sleep…my little one also had terrible reflux and being upright helped tremendously. I remember those days well. Thankfully, they pass, but not very quickly! Keep accepting the help from extra hands, and thank God for front carriers!
Good for you!!! Staying close to Christ makes it all easier. I’m glad I’m not the only type-A-er who thinks she can do it all herself….
Good for you accepting help! I hope things are easier for you next week!
Bless you!! I’m so glad you could ask for help. I’m sorry I could not help you food wise. I will when I can! Stay covered in prayer ;)!!!
**cheers from Ohio**
(oh, sorry about all the spit, not all of us have learned about, ahem, proper cheering etiquette)
God bless you! It is SO VERY hard to accept help, I know. I’m the same way. It goes against every bone in my very *non*humble body. I think it is a fantastic accomplishment to allow your friend to help you. And it’s even better when you can offer it up ;). I’ll be praying for you.