I’ll be chatting with folks at Kresta in the Afternoon at 4:35 p.m. Eastern tomorrow (Thursday). The interview will air on Ave Maria Radio. Click on the link to listen online. I’ll be talking about why I believe children of all ages should be welcomed at Mass.
Um and if you have any, um, prayers to spare, say one for me that I don’t, um, say, “Um” too much. I haven’t done a live radio interview since my days as a journalism major. Um, thanks.
You'll do great! Glad to hear you'll be discussing this topic. Your article was fantastic.
I stopped by the "nursery" at my church last Sunday and saw two children older than 6 in there playing. Why on earth? Those kids are certainly old enough to be in mass! It would seem their parents are more interested in an hour of free babysitting.
I know you'll do a great job.
Bless you!
I say um a lot and many people do it. I am sure if you say it, no one will really notice.
Kate, how exciting! I'll be sure to tune in – Ave Maria is our local radio station and it is awesome. (Al Kresta is actually a member of my parish, as is Steve Ray and a bunch of other great people!)
You will do great, but I'll say some prayers for you anyway.
Good luck!
You'll do fine. I wish I could listen, but I am in a meeting… And I say "um" a lot too.
Kate, I just turned on the radio to catch you on Al, and he was talking about something completely unrelated to children and Mass! So I came here, and, UM, the interview was yesterday. D'oh! Clearly sleep deprivation is sapping my mental powers. I'm sure you did beautifully, though!
Is there a link to the interview?
Thanks to everyone for their support. ViolinMama, my dad figured out a way to listen to the guest archives on the Ave Maria site, but I just checked it out and couldn't figure out what to do. He did say the quality was poor.
It thankfully went well. The Holy Spirit definitely helped me out quite a bit and I don't think I said "um" too much! :)
Oh, I wish I knew! I would have prayed and tuned in. I'm glad it went well and glad you got the message out on an important topic!