Overheard while I’m in the bathroom…
Phone rings.
Preschooler: Hello? No. I’m sorry, she’s not available. She’s pooping.
Storyteller & Speaker
“She could never be a saint, but she thought she could be a martyr if they killed her quick.”
―Flannery O'Connor
That's what happens when you teach the 4-year old to answer the phone! Kids are so honest – no sense of propriety!!
This is why I don't let the kids answer the phone! :)
But I do find that a screaming baby in the background allows me to get off the phone with a telemarketer quite quickly — if you ever have one of those screaming type children around.
Thanks Madeline, I needed that laugh today!
Best response ever. I am seriously considering using this for myself.
Bwa ha ha! That's great! Thanks for the laugh!
That is SO funny. That has actually happened to me. Unfortunately, someone that I knew was on the other end. Motherhood really keeps us humble. :)
That is hysterical. Thanks for a good laugh.
Thank you for the laugh!
Fantastic! Don't you just love it? Ever since I had children I have had the pleasure of being mortified…daily. :)
Waaaaay too funny! Thanks for the laughs!
That one made me LAUGH OUT LOUD for sure!! Oh my goodness!!! I needed that today! What a bummy Monday… sorry, no pun intended!! :)
SO FUNNY!! I'm laughing out loud here. I love your girl! And yes, 4 year olds are so literal! hehe!