A new study shows a fascinating link between a person’s ability to concentrate and his proximity to a toddler.
“It wasn’t my fault,” explains study subject Madeline Wicker when Mommy, the study’s lead researcher, noticed there had been a mishap with a pair of scissors. “She ‘unconcentrated’ me.”
When questioned further, the study subject revealed her toddler sister was the one who had “unconcentrated” her. Said toddler does have a habit of instantly wanting whatever anyone else has, and Mommy began to speculate grabbing 2-year-old hands and occasional high-decibel screeching could certainly have an impact on a person’s concentration levels.
“This is groundbreaking research,” Mommy explained. “We now believe that if we can separate the study subjects from the offending toddlers, they would not only be able to concentrate on the task at hand – in this isolated case a cutting craft – but there also may be other beneficial side effects of decreased proximity to younger siblings such as less snipped fingers and hair as well as a more peaceful atmosphere.”
Since further research is needed to fully understand the effect of toddlers on a person’s concentration, Mommy plans to invite her toddler to assist her in cooking a more complicated dinner tonight that requires following a recipe with more than five ingredients. She hypothesizes the dish may not end up being edible. Others interested in participating in a similar clinical trial are welcome to comment below.
Excellent! I wish I could convince the world this is *my* problem. ;) Just the laugh I needed today.
Yup, this is why the pasta sauce didn't get onions, the zucchini bread didn't get the baking soda, and the salad didn't get any green peppers even though there was a whole bucketful from the garden sitting nearby. I am always being "unconcentrated!"
I laughed so hard! Katie, you have such a way with words! I hope you don't mind, but I had to send the link to this post on my Attachment Parenting board so others could read it!
Have fun with dinner tonight! I've done that with my kids for years. Be prepared for a mess too, but it all makes for fond memories and wonderful times of being together in the blessedness of the family.
By the way, I got a kick out of your post. :)