If you’re one of my regular readers, then you probably already know how I feel about children – even the smallest ones – being included in worship. Well, I just won’t keep quiet about it. I was recently interviewed for Wall Street Journal article on the topic. You can read “Seen and Not Heard” here.
How exciting!!!
Good job, Kate! Thankfully, we attend a very welcoming Parish here in PA, but we've had our share of unwelcoming experiences at other places.
Good job. I totally agree with you. I read your article about it, too. My boys are grown and married. When I first started going to Mass before converting, my youngest was a baby. So we tried the "crying room." What a circus. Not only could I not pay attention to Mass, but my children were not learning about Mass or how to behave.
So we started bringing them to Mass and we sat in the front row so they could see better! I think in all those years, I only had to take my children out of church a handful of times. Were they perfect? Of course not. But we would remind them where they were. They learned how to be quiet in church. And they knew the responses and they knew the songs and they could not wait to receive their First Communion.
Jesus said to bring the little ones to Him. I took that literally and so I did. God bless! Sorry to be so long!