My 88-year-old nana (the woman behind this wisdom)
An uncle admires my little marsupial who is fast asleep in her pouch.
Aunt Rachel and Mary Elizabeth in their new caps, made with love by Nana (my husband’s mom, not my 88-year-old grandma)
Gaba (my mom) with my brothers. Please keep praying for the prodigal son (pictured at left). He had his discernment retreat last week and is now 98 percent sure he is being called to the priesthood. As for my baby brother (at right), he has another vocation in mind and would really love to meet his future wife sooner rather than later, so if you have prayers to spare, say one for him, too.
I’m thoroughly boring you to death with picture thoughts because I haven’t had the time to string together words. I’ve got three sick kids on my hands. The hacking is violent, the cheeks flushed, the snot superfluous. And yet, they smile. And giggle. And keep the joy of Christmas alive in our home.
Epiphany celebrates the manifestation of Christ to the Magi. My children are the manifestation of joy that doesn’t need clear sinuses or a pile of presents to come forth. They gift me with their unflagging optimism every day.
Happy Epiphany!
I needed to read this, this morning, after a night spent with a fussy baby, and a morning battle getting Lovely ready for school ON TIME. I lost my patience more than once, yelled more than once, about cried in front of them twice, barely drove her to school on time, and come home barely remembering it IS still Christmas.
Ironically, yesterday morning I had a pregnancy brain moment and thought it was the Epiphany, so we had our Epiphany breakfast…crown cake, gold colored fruits, etc. THAT was a great morning. Obviously God did that knowing I was more rested yesterday than today….but I feel terrible I lost that Christmas spirit today. Reading the end of your post reminds me to take some time in delighting in the Christmas that DOES exist in their colds, fevers, or 6 year old moments…
Love you!
I love your photos as much as I love your words! Happy New Year, my friend! Your family makes me SMILE – every time!
Beautiful pictures of a gorgeous family, Katie :)
I especially love the one of you slinging baby ME :)
Lovely photos! What kind of a carrier is that?
These are all great pictures! Nice to be reminded that the Christmas spirit should not end when Christmas day is over.
It's an Ergo. I could not live without my Ergo. I am babysling/baby carrier rich. I have a Maya wrap, a ring-sling, a Bjorn, an Ultimate Baby Carrier, and a few others (I've gotten several for free), but the Ergo is by far my fave. There's a link to it on Amazon to the right of my blog. It's more pricey, but it doesn't hurt my back. You can wear your baby on your hip, back, or in the front. For newborns, there's a newborn insert. M.E. loved it; I would not have survived those first few months where she needed me to walk and walk and walk (the midnight march – from 8 p.m. to midnight) with her in the Ergo to calm her. I enjoy wearing toddlers on my back.
I am not getting paid to say any of these things, I promise. :)
I love these kinds of posts, Kate, and love having faces to go with names (especially those I'm praying for). :) Your joy is infectious in this post, despite the sick kids.
Hope health finds your home soon! :)
Yes, they are a lovely collection of photos, and I too like having a face to go with the 'prodigal' brother I've been praying for. Your Hungarian princess looks delightful – did you make her headdress and pinafore? (I am of Hungarian heritage, so that picture really tickled me.) Blessed Epiphany to you and yours, and hope you are all feeling well soon.
Sarah, Kimberlee, and all, I'm glad my photos aren't too much. :)
Kimberlee, thank you so much for your prayers for my brother. He has been touched by the strangers who are lifting him up in prayer. Keep them coming!
Alas, all I can do is knit (and not all that well) and did not make the pinafore or headdress. I think I could handle the headdress, but sewing is something I just can't get the hang of even though my mom is a whiz with a needle and thread. She's tried to teach me and usually ends up chuckling at my futile attempts to piece anything together or follow the most simple pattern. :)
Blessings to all!
I love the photos! I'm a photo nut, I love looking at pictures! You have a beautiful family! Praying for all the bad germies to go away!