Remember the ache in this mom’s heart when she lost her first baby in the ninth month of pregnancy? Well, yesterday the voids in my dear friend and her husband’s arms and heart were filled completely when they welcomed a healthy baby boy. Thanks be to God!
Every baby is a miracle but as I studied their newborn’s first photos and noticed his bright, pink skin, his perfect face scrunched up from crying as he tested out those strong lungs for the first time, and saw him sleeping peacefully in the arms of those who have loved him and prayed over him from the moment he first began to be molded in his mama’s womb, I was made even more aware of just how precious life is. I’ve never lost a baby, so I can’t possibly understand the hurt, how empty your arms and heart must feel, or the rattle of a soul that has lost something it had just started to love. But now, seeing my friends’ smiling faces, hearing this baby’s father proclaim, “He’s awesome,” I’m nodding my head, and thinking, “New life is indeed awesome.”
Now remember how I was bemoaning technology just a few days ago? Well, today let us show how this virtual world can spread joy even more quickly than it might breed discontent or angst. Won’t you join me in celebrating this family’s happiness? Do you have any words of wisdom for the new parents, a prayer for their child, or just a note of congratulations? Also, my friend had to have a c-section so if you have any tips on recovery from one (i.e., helpful nursing positions, etc.), please do share. Write a note below and join me in welcoming this miracle of life into the world!
You can also follow Baby Hosker on Twitter.
UPDATE: My comment counter is not working. Go figure. Just when I’m trying to give technology the benefit of the doubt, it starts to mess with me. :-) And it’s ironic that this is the first post I can recall when I’m actually soliciting comments on behalf of someone else. Argh. The good news is the comments are still showing up if you click on the “1 comments” link. Also, feel free to email me your blessing for the baby and his proud parents.
He's beautiful! Simply wonderful. Wiping away tears. I always get so weepy at new babies. Such a precious, precious gift.
Take it easy after the c-section. I've had three and believe the doctors when they tell you to stay off your feet and don't do any lifting.
God bless!
Welcome to the world, little one!!
Hold that baby close. He's perfect.
So exciting! Congrats to your friends! I had a c-section and I liked nursing either on my side or sitting cross-legged in the corner of the couch with a Boppy pillow on my lap and a pile of pillows to help hold it up on one side (supported by the couch arm on the other side) so it held the baby up above my scar!
My other advice is to buy a comfy nursing nightgown…it is still uncomfortable for me to wear shorts or pants at night (because of the way everything shifted inside me I guess!) and it's been almost 11 months for me!
Praise God!
I am so happy for the Hoskers! I just knew it was a boy. Please pass along my congrats! I will forward c-section thoughts tomorrow, too many tears of joy being shed right now!!
Congrats Danielle & Bob! I'm so happy for you guys!
We are so happy for you and your little bundle of joy. Prayers and congratulations – Eileen and Steve Pankow
Thank you all for the prayers and well wishes! They mean so much to Jacks, Bob and I. We are sooo happy to finally have our little guy here!