Dear Baby,
I’ve never had so many sneak peaks into my womb as I have with this pregnancy. Today I caught my third glimpse of you. Boy, were you moving around a lot. You’re practicing your karate kicks. My midwife joked and said we either have a football punter or ballerina on our hands. The ultrasound tech asked if I wanted to know your gender. I guess she got a good look already, but I told her no, I didn’t. We’ll wait this time.
The reason I keep having all these ultrasounds is because early bleeding in this pregnancy led them to believe I had a placental tear. They wanted to check to make sure it had not grown any bigger. But today the nurse/ultrasound tech believed it wasn’t a placental tear at all and never had been. Instead, she suspects I have a blighted ovum – an empty gestational sac where a baby never developed – although she’s not 100 percent certain. You can’t see it in this particular image, but a clear, blob-like space is very clear in some of the others. I’m not sure if this means I have another soul to pray for, a little child waiting in heaven or not, but I’m trying to not think about what might have been (twins!) and what is: You. Perfect you.
I love you, Baby, and I pray for the miracle that is you every single day.
Stay strong. Stay well. My arms are eager to hold you.
Kate, I haven't been doing a very good job on keeping up with blogs lately, so I don't know if I've missed your announcement or this is it. :) Congratulations!! Will be praying for you, your family, and this sweet baby :)
I just recently stumbled on you via Elizabeth Foss. Congratulations on your new little one. Many prayers for a healthy pregnancy! I understand how you feel about the possibility of losing a twin. I had a similar experience with my oldest. My prayers are with you!
Katrina, mom of 4 girls.
Congratulations Katie!! :)
I'm keepin' those prayers a'comin'!!!
Praying for you, beautiful Mama, and for that precious little one. So full of joy for you.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I don't often comment but I read your blog faithfully & am so happy for you and your family!
Oh Gorgeous Kate!!! WOW! And wo Kate…you and I have the same thing to pray for – Valiant was also a probable twin, and in many of her pictures from our ultrasound, you can see the same thing you see – gestational sac that never grew beyond the early stages. They told me it was a probable fraternal twin that just never developed, and I bled some as well. I always feel a connection to that sac – not sadness, but a closeness to an additional blessing that existed in secret that I'll meet one day. Just a little secret to me from God :)
Your baby is gorgeous! I LOVE ultrasounds, and that incredible baby!!! God is SOOO Good. What a blessing. Soak it in, and be well. Love you!
I didn't know you were pregnant! How wonderful! Congrats, Kate. Very happy for your family. Take good care of yourself, Momma. God bless you!
I'm so happy for you, Kate! And praying for you and your newest little one as well. God bless you.
Hello little baby!! We're praying for you too!!
Congratulations! Best wishes and prayers for a healthy, happy pregnancy. St. Gerard and St. Gianna, pray for us.
What a beautiful picture thanks for sharing your gorgeous baby!
I don't know much about blighted ovums myself but when a sweet friend found out she was pregnant recently, they found 6 sacs! She delivered twins about a month ago. I pray you have a healthy pregnancy and an easy delivery.
Dear Kate,
What a beautiful picture! I don't wonder that your heart is filled with joy. I'll pray for a happy and healthy pregnancy, for you and baby!