We interrupt this blog for some shameless self-promotion.
So some folks who pre-ordered my book, Weightless: Making Peace With Your Body, have been telling me it’s scheduled to ship this week. How exciting! And terribly nerve-wracking. (Nail biting begins now.)
Do I dare even read the Amazon reviews? (A sidenote: the Kindle version is not available yet.) What if someone tells me my “baby” is ugly? I wrote about some pretty personal stuff in the book and shared some parts of me I’m not particularly proud of. But I hope shared some goodness and maybe even some wisdom, too. I hope my words heal more than they hurt or confuse. I hope the Soul Food sections that include Scripture, quotes from the Saints, etc. satisfy. If the book ministers to just a handful of women, then it was way, way worth it.
I’m sure most first-time authors experience this mixture of excitement and anxiety. I’m not sure how many actually write this openly about it. But that’s just me – putting it all out there on the public dissection table.
Have I mentioned that I haven’t even seen the finished product yet? A final proof, yes, but not the real thing. Oh, the anticipation! So many things are being revealed in my life right now.
In the near future, I hope to be setting up a Pay Pal store so that people can buy the book, including autographed copies, directly from this site. Please stay tuned.
I’ve created a Weightless Facebook page as well. LIKE it here.
Also, if you end up writing a review of the book or just happen to discuss it on your blog/website, please shoot me an email at kmwicker[at]gmail[dot]com, so I can share it either on my site or in one of the many social media outlets at my disposal.
I’ve had some people ask me if I plan on setting up any book signings and/or speaking engagements related to Weightless. Yes, I would love to go on tour, but that’s probably not going to happen right now. I’ve got far more important works in progress who need me around. That said, I do hope to set up some more local speaking engagements, signings, etc. perhaps in the fall (besides talking points, a nursing baby will be my must-have accessory). I’d also like to perhaps set up a virtual way of connecting with moms and women’s groups (maybe using Skype). Do email me if you have any ideas or if you live in the Georgia area and have a group that might like to have me come speak about topics related to body image, beauty, balanced eating and living, raising daughters to grow into healthy and Godly women, etc. If my family does happen to be traveling in different parts of the country, I may try to set some speaking engagements up as well. We’ll see.
Finally, this is as good a time as any to thank you, dear readers, for encouraging my writing and me. I realize I’ve mentioned this in a previous book post, but your emails, comments, and support gave gave me the espresso shot of confidence I needed to realize that I might just have something worthwhile to say in the form of a published book. I could not have written this book without the support of a tenacious acquisitions editor who believed in my writing and in me, my family, friends, blog readers, my publisher, and God’s abundant grace. Thank you for your encouragement and support!