I took Let’s Take the Metro’s Gratitude Challenge and made a list of 100 things I’m grateful for in honor of Thanksgiving. I didn’t self-edit. I just allowed whatever popped into my head to come out and listed the blessings in that order. So here’s my list, uncut and authentic. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. Know that I’m very grateful for each and every reader who stops by my little corner of cyberspace. Why not drop me a line and share what you’re thankful for this Thanksgiving?
- Baby feet
- Little girls’ voices
- Happy, wet dog noses
- Fuzzy, sweet peaches
- How my 2-year-old pronounces “toothpaste” like “poopaste,” and asks me to put “poopaste” on her toothbrush
- Old-fashioned notes, gifts of time, and thoughtfulness
- Coffee
- Birthday celebrations
- Pumpkin Crunch (the girls and I made this dessert to bring to Nana and Pop’s, where we will be celebrating Thanksgiving this year)
- Toasted bagels topped with peanut butter melting into creamy pools
- Friendship
- Empty hampers and laundry baskets
- The smell of a new book
- Solitude
- The funny things my kids say
- Manchego cheese
- The fact that nearly every night my 4-year-old says she’s thankful for “picking flowers for Mommy.”
- This dress from Shabby Apple, which I’ll be wearing to my husband’s Christmas party for work, thanks to a gift card:
Delicious rolls (the kinds on babies, not the kind that comes out of an oven, although those are good, too)
- The smell of lavender
- The color blue
- A hot shower
- At-home date nights
- Matching socks
- Breaking a sweat
- Pen pals (Angela! Ava! Enzo! Miriam!)
- Dark chocolate
- Baking with my girls
- Spontaneous hugs
- Nursing and my generous milk supply
- Quiet
- My husband’s jawline
- Evening walks
- The season of Advent
- Tea time
- Babies, fresh out of the bath
- My Kitchen Aid Mixer
- My Ergo
- The snuggly baby that fits so nicely into the Ergo
- Story time with my girls
- Words
- Holding hands with my toddler
- Pigtails and pony tails
- The de-tangling spray that makes pigtails and pony tails possible
- Good health
- One amazing husband
- All our extended family
- Lazy mornings
- Creativity
- Granola
- Crisp, clean sheets
- Tidy beds
- Tidy bedrooms
- Tidy bookshelves
- Tidy anything
- Hope
- Faith
- Freshly sharpened pencils
- The Grit’s Golden Bowl
- Trees
- Giggling children
- A gulping nursling
- Sales at some of my fave stores: Boden, GAP, Ann Taylor Loft, Lands End
- Kind strangers
- The fall
- Sweaters, tweed, and corduroy
- My strong legs
- A great new sister-in-law
- Crayons
- Washable markers
- Magic Eraser Cleaning Pads
for those times when the kid graffiti that is not washable ends up on the wall
- My minivan
- Second (and third and fourth and…) chances
- Our amazing babysitter
- Trident spearmint gum
- Kids in cozy PJs
- Indian food
- Jeans that fit well
- Knowledge
- Wisdom
- Getting mail (not of the junk variety)
- Co-sleeping
- Singing
- Silliness
- My parents’ Mafia names (Stevie Fat Fingers and Mama Cackles)
- Amazon two-day shipping
- Journaling
- Hearing any of my children say, “I love you.”
- Handpicked flowers my children gift me with
- Butterflies
- A husband who vacuums when he gets home from work
- Trader Joe’s
- Cheap wine
- Mojitos
- Answered prayers
- Trips to the ocean
- Musicals
- Sparkling ICE Spring Water
- God’s graces (this really should have been number one)
You have amazing list of blessings to thank for. Baby feet and dogs’ wet noses seem worthy to be thanked for. And I like how you shared about the “poo paste.”
As for my list, I guess I will include the way my dog would call me through scratching the stainless door whenever he needs me. Anyway, thanks for the list.
Stephan Hilson recently posted…Forfait mobile pas cher
Lovely list of things to be grateful for. I especially like how organic it feels. It naturally flows through humor, whimsy, sadness, and heartfelt just like your train of thought.
Zoie @ TouchstoneZ recently posted…Babars Yoga for Elephants Childrens Book Review
I love that you have a pen pal! (Or rather, more than one.) There is something so intense and special about reading another person’s handwriting..knowing they took the time to sit and write it. I still have a letter from my deceased grandmother that I will surely keep forever!
Thank you so much for including your amazing list in this challenge. Reading it was incredibly enjoyable for me :) I felt like I was right there in your life and I could visualize everything you listed. Thank you.
Thanks so much for your great list. I’ve just been googling blessings and thankfulness and you popped up. So glad you did. It sure helps put thing in perspective when we know what we’ve been blessed with…