Yesterday I attempted to update some plugins for my blog. If you don’t know what plugins are, what it means for a feed to be invalid, or what htaccess is, you’re lucky. Well, it seems a bad plugin messed with my site, making it impossible for me to log in to my blog dashboard and also affecting my blog feed. I tried to solve it on my own but eventually had to connect with Kickstart Media, the company that designed my site. I wasted a big chunk of time logging in to my cpanel (blah, blah, blah, blah) and fixing something that a stupid plugin bug had caused. I am supposed to be doing so many other things. I have not been able to focus on the day-to-day needs of this household because of so many unexpected events. The last few months have squashed my inner control freak. I am not in control of much of anything: Flying mammals, sickness, electricity working… One of these days I’m going to recount this legendary summer. Seriously. The summer of 2013 is going to be forever etched in our minds. There will be some good stories for my kids to share to future generations one day. “Once upon a time we woke up to bats flying in our house and our family had to get a total of 35 shots to protect us from rabies, and the health department came to our street to talk with us. We had seven live bats in Tupperware containers on our side porch. Oh, and that was the summer Thomas broke his leg. Rachel got mono. The basement flooded…twice. Our refrigerator and freezer stopped working and because of incompetent service stayed that way for two weeks. And Mommy might have said her first bad word aloud in front of us,* and then…”
But I digress. The point of this post is to test to make sure my feed is working. If you subscribe via email, you would not have received an email update on my post for this week called Scale Sickness. Click on those little blue letters to read it. It was one of the most difficult posts I’ve ever published for many different reasons.
This hasn’t exactly been a summer break, but it has still been a great few months. I’ll really have to share more about how much we learned this summer and how expensive rabies shots are for a family of six. You think I jest? Just wait and see…
*That bit is pure hyperbole, the stuff of legends.
Oh, Kate. . . . You poor soul. I’m praying for you.