I had a voicemail message from a friend recently where she said something like, “I’m Facebook stalking you and haven’t seen any blog updates or anything, and I’m a crazy, paranoid friend worrying that you had the baby.”
For any other paranoid, FB, Twitter, and/or Google+ (I actually haven’t posted any updates over there yet, but its format is definitely growing on me) stalkers, I have not had the baby. I am still gestating. I have a sweet, stubborn baby in utero who has been deeply engaged in the pelvic region resting on a thin cervix for over a month now.
I had an appointment on Monday, and my midwife told me she really believes that keeping off my feet has kept me from having this baby early; however, she also said that at 36 weeks (only a week from tomorrow by her records) I can resume my normal activity. Woo-hoo! I know being sidelined has been good for not only the baby but for me as well, but I have to admit I’m getting incredibly antsy and even achy from being so sedentary. I’m so grateful I’ve never had to experience the hospital bed rest thing and am eager to be active again.
The irony of being thrust into limbo and hearing that the baby could arrive “any day now” for weeks and weeks is that I still don’t have anything prepared for the little one. The infant car seat is still in the attic in need of a good scrub down. We have not attached our co-sleeper to our bed. I have no hospital bag packed, no newborn diapers purchased. I kind of lost the whole “nesting instinct” when I was worried that the baby might come way too early. Or maybe it’s just pure denial that we’re about to have four kids 6 and under in our home. I imagine I might be pining for bed rest – or any rest at all – in a few weeks.
Sorry to be stuck on the baby thing. You get kind of consumed by the little life wiggling around inside of you, tap dancing on your cervix, when you’re sentenced with being still. You also really, really begin to notice just how often you have to pee. (Five times, on average, on any given night. Several times every hour during the day. A frequent question around here is, “Mommy, are you going potty again?”)
But anyway, a friend of mine was recently telling me that the must-have for every new mom now is the Mamaroo. I’ve never been into massive must-have lists for baby registries or expectant parents. The only items I’d add to my own personal must-have list are a chic nursing cover (mainly for nursing during Mass), my Ergo baby carrier, and my Philips AVENT Manual Breast Pump
(an absolute necessity for someone like me who has an overabundant milk supply and sometimes needs to pump just before nursing my wee ones so they will not gag on a gushing geyser of milk).
Still, the Mamaroo intrigued me since I know I’ll need a little help and can’t carry and hold my infant all day unless I want my other littles to feel sorely neglected. I rarely used the bouncy seat I registered for with my first except it did come in handy as a little high chair. I never got a real swing – just a travel one, and it was helpful with my second who had awful reflux and needed to be upright all of the time. But these are getting very old and noisy (I think the motors are dying on them), so I was wondering if the Mamaroo might be worth the investment. It looks very space-agey and boasts five different motions: car ride, kangaroo, tree swing, rock-a-bye, and ocean wave. However, it’s pricey, too.
So anyone have any feedback on the Mamaroo? I’m not sure I’m hip enough of a mama to make the splurge on such a trendy item. :-)
However, our growing family did fall prey to a stranger’s odd remarks recently. Actually, it was my dear babysitter who endured the brunt of it. She was on a walk with two of the girls (one was at her wellness visit with my husband) when she started chatting with someone way down the street. The woman figured out that the child on the bike and the toddler in the wagon belonged to me. (There are people in my neighborhood who are much more in the know than I am.)
“She’s having a baby any day now, isn’t she?”
My babysitter told her yes and then they started chatting about whether it might be a boy or a girl. My babysitter shared that she has three sisters and one brother.
“That’s a big family,” the woman commented. Then she poked and prodded until she figured out that both her breeding neighbor down the street and this babysitter are Catholic.
“You know, being Catholic isn’t an excuse to have a big family anymore.”
My babysitter said she was dumbstruck and didn’t know how to respond. I wouldn’t have either.
Was being Catholic ever an excuse to have a big family?
Oh well. I already felt like a freak when we were at our first social event in the neighborhood last Halloween and someone, who was very, very nice, by the way, asked where my oldest went to school and I said, “I actually homeschool,” at the exact moment my toddler, who was stuffed into a puppy costume, began tugging on my shirt and saying, “Milk, ‘peas!’ Milk, milk, milk!”
Um, just a little awkward. :-)
I’ll also add that being pregnant with your fourth also drives you to want to drink. I’ve never missed not being able to imbibe alcoholic beverages until this pregnancy. I’m really looking forward to at-home wine date nights with my husband. Two Buck Chuck (AKA Trader Joe’s Charles Shaw wine), here I come!
I’m a cheap date.
Last night my husband asked my oldest (Madeline) to draw a portrait of him during her evening quiet time. This is what she came up with:
When she showed it to her daddy, she explained that he was holding his iPhone in one hand and his newly acquired iPad in the other hand. He showed me the portrait and said that maybe he needed to cut back on his evening technology usage. :-)
I just want to thank everyone for their support of my book, Weightless: Making Peace With Your Body. My mom remains my number one fan, but a lot of you come in a very, very close second by sharing your encouragement, Facebook posts, etc. with me. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Also, I recently had a request from a Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) group up North for me to speak via Skype to their group later in the fall about some of the topics discussed in Weightless. I was thrilled they contacted me and am really looking forward to this opportunity, and I want to make sure others know this option is available. Tele-speaking using Skype, Google+ Hangout (will have to ask my friend and techie guru, Lisa Hendey, to help me figure that one out), or even just talking over a speaker phone will prove to be such a blessing since I won’t be traveling far as mama with a newborn nursling. I am available for speaking engagements closer to my Georgia home providing nursing babies are welcome. Feel free to email me if you’re part of a woman’s group that would like to set something up.
Finally, author, TV host, and speaker, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle recently posted an interview about Weightless over at her View from the Domestic Church blog. I have several of Donna-Marie’s books on shelves and was honored to speak to her about my book.
Stay tuned for a review of her latest book, A Catholic Woman’s Book of Prayers.
Thanks to Jen for hosting, for giving me an excuse to talk about some really random stuff, and for once again indulging my pregnancy-induced navel-gazing.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Hi Kate! Glad baby is still growing and will pray for your feelings of overwhelmedness (is that even a word?). Regarding take number 4, about the large families, I just had my second (following a miscarriage) baby, and I now have an adorable boy and beautiful little girl. The disheartening thing is the number of people (including random people in public) that have said to me “Oh! Boy and girl…now you’re done!” To which I brightly respond, “We’ll see…!” with a smile. What do you say to that? We would have taken two boys, two girls, two purple children..you get the picture. I have also had several mothers of three tell me (emphatically in front of their youngest child) that I do NOT want a third child, it is too much work and they regret it. Sigh. This is why I turn to the blog community…blessings on you and your soon to be outside baby! :)
Re: Mamaroo
Interesting idea, but I have one comment, it looks soooo sloooooww. The video showed its movement compared to a bouncer, a swing, and a mom bouncing her baby, I imagine with the intent of showing the Mamaroo was more like the mother bouncing. But the mom was going like, 10 times as fast as the Mamaroo. I KNOW that would not have worked with my first. I would think a side-swinging swing would do much better. And did you notice the swing they used for comparison was actually a travel swing and not a full scale fancy model (that falls in the same price range)?
Anyway, I wouldn’t buy it.
Also, I am also glad you’re still gestating! You and you’re new little one will be running around before you know it. My BF had modified bed rest and then came to the magical 36 week mark, overjoyed to meet her baby girl. Lots of contractions for the whole MONTH, and she was born on her due date. ;) So glad that baby stayed in as long as she could.
Your post makes me laugh because it will be me in a few months: waiting for the fourth child under 6. But I don’t have the uncertainty you do about the “when” factor. We scheduled the C section this week. For December. The hospital was rolling their eyes, but my husband works at a university and the baby’s going to be born on graduation weekend, so they needed to make plans. That’s the one good thing about being a must-have-C-section mom.
I have no patience with peopel who call 4 children a big family. I’ll trot out my in-laws (6 kids), my cousins (6 kids), and my grandmother (10 kids). People are so short-sighted about kids. I can’t imagine how barren the house must feel at holidays if you only have one or two kids, even three, and one or two of them have to be with in-laws. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for the KIDS to take care of aging parents, when the burden falls on one or two. Not that everyone is called to have 4, 6, or 10 kids, but this assumption that less is more drives me crazy.
I’m expecting Baby #4 in 5 weeks — wait! 4 weeks! — and since we already have “our boy” (born third, after two sisters), we are getting some looks. Especially since we live in Seattle. Really, what could we possibly want in another child? Of all the random people I’ve talked to about it (not friends and family), I’ve had 2 who said something positive. One told me I was so lucky, and one said it was exciting. Everyone else seems to think I’ve lost my mind.
My sister, who had 2 red-headed boys and was pregnant with #3 last year, got all kinds of “trying for a girl” comments. I told her she should tell them that she was trying for a brown-haired child. Amusingly, she did have a boy, but he had brown hair! So I guess she’s “done.” :)
I’ve decided that, when faced with the Are-they-all-yours question, I’m going to start saying, “My husband tells me they are.” I thought I’d need an amusing response on hand after a person who came to my door looked at my three kids and asked if I was running a daycare or if they were all mine. THREE kids constitutes a daycare?!?
Congratulations on #4, and also on being off bedrest soon!
I was wondering if some of the reactions are “regional” in nature — here in the Midwest, most people seem to be okay with our soon-to-be family of four. I think that might be because we’re mostly all one generation (or less) removed from larger families?
My parents are from families with 11 and 6 siblings, and my husband is one of 7 . . . which are definitely seen as large families now. But four doesn’t seem to be as much of a shocker here in Wisconsin.
Sorry you have such charming neighbors – oy! You have a fantastic cute husband to make up for it. I think you should frame his portrait in a cool black frame and hang it in the office – it’s a classic! :-) Prayers for you in your final days of waiting! You’re getting so close!
Fortunately, most of my neighbors close by are wonderful and very kind! I have an elderly neighbor next door, in fact, who loves it when the kids play outside because he says he loves to hear their happy noises!
Number 6 made me laugh out loud! So cute. I thought he might be lifting weights. :-) Best wishes & prayers for the birth of Baby no. 4!
Kate, God Bless you! I used to get those comments too. I live in one of the boroughs of New York City. One time somebody made a comment about someone with 3 kids. “She can never keep track of all those kids!” I laughed my head off, especially since I was the one she made the comment to. When she realized I had 5 her face turned BRIGHT red. LOL
We are expecting baby 10 in late August. Our neighbors have long since stopped talking to us at all (we homeschool as well). My husband goes to the neighborhood park with the kids and people act like he has some kind of disease. He enjoys the isolation, lol. Our oldest is 19 and we will have four aged 4 and under (all girls) and a variety of ages in between. Prayers and good luck to you! I loved your book (as I shared with you already) and am loving your blog as well. That bouncy seat thing is something else. I would be afraid my baby wouldn’t stay in it but it’s very cool!